Write Something Worth Reading. A tall order...
One of the reasons I hesitated to start this blog, was that I doubted I had it in me to write something worth reading on a daily basis. Here I am, not a week into it and I've run out of things to say. And most of what I have said, is jokes or stories I've told dozens of times to friends at parties.
So, there's that limited repertoire exhausted. I've got 20 years of sailing photos I could tell the back stories on. But, the reality is, aside from a few good stories, it often entailed this cycle:
"It's Wednesday, time to go shoot the races! Yay."
Drive to the ramp, launch the boat, get out on the race course
Check equipment, wait for the start.
Jesus it's hot. Sure hope the wind picks up
God this boat is uncomfortable.
Alright, the race is on, let's shoot.
90 minutes and 500 frames later, I've got enough, let's get out of here.
Put the boat away.
Cull the photos, Watermark them, upload to the hosting site... takes about an hour
Send out the link to members on the list
Jesus, why am I still doing this? (usually gets said, right after, Jesus it's hot)
Total elapsed time 4 hours
Answer, I do it for love of the sport. Because for that 90 minutes of shooting and for that hour of culling, I am in the moment. Every decision matters. Everything I do will affect the outcome. How someone who views those photos will feel, if even for a moment.
For the 20 or so boat owners and their 80 or so crew members, my work will bring a moment of joy into their lives. Because they get to see themselves enjoying their passion. And I will have brought a smile to their face and joy to their heart.
For the last several years, I've had the good company of David Lane, who often drove for me. Quiet conversation with a friend of like mind. We often giggled and laughed at our own jokes. Marveled at the racing mistakes and triumphs and just generally appreciated being out there on the water in good company.
Sadly, David won't be able to join me anymore. I shall miss him indeed. Hopefully we'll still see each other often. I truly enjoy his company.
It may or may not be something worth reading or even writing about. But in my book, it is definitely something worth doing.
-- Much Love
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