A Little Sunday Morning Fun!



So a while back, I joined yet another damned dating site.  This one purports to analyze your personalities and actually makes daily recommendations on who to contact.

This morning, "Deborah" reached out to me.  She's 60.  She's lovely.  Does watercolors.  Wants to wander around painting.  cool. She could go with me on the loop.  We'd be great together...

Well, except the part where she mentions
in three different places how much Trump disgusts her.

So, I sent her a note...


    You seem lovely.  Hopefully your irrational disgust for our president will subside when Hillary and the rest of her vile crew are arrested for Treason.  

    When that happens, I'll be here for you, if you need someone to talk to.

    Much Love,


I hope she'll call! 

-- Much Love.


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