Road Trippin'

 I've been traveling for a few days, so Haven't been writing.  First day, I drove for 13 hours.  That's not real conducive to sitting down and writing.  


Day 2, I arrived at my brother Ken's house.  We hadn't seen each other since his daughter's wedding in 2011.  So mostly we just caught up.  As always, when at Ken's house, we did go shooting.  As it happened,  I just caught him before he departed for the last shoot of the season with a local gun club he's part of.  So, that was fun.

Day 3, I hung around and talked with Ken as we prepped his travel trailer for departure.  At noon, he departed for a weekend trip to LaCrosse.  For of all things a shooting match.   Whereupon I left to visit my son Sean and his lovely bride, Cheryl in Minneapolis.  

Day 4, Sean and Cheryl are out running.  Sean is preparing to run a marathon, so he's running 20 miles today.  Cheryl isn't running that much today, but will be out there to support him and the other running club members that are part of today's run..


Living in Florida these past few years, I had begun to have the delusion that my allergies were getting better.  Apparently not...  Welcome to Wisconsin and Minnesota in August, Tim!  When I lived up here previously, I struggled to get through August without dying of sheer exhaustion from straining to breathe enough air to stay alive.  Note to self... Don't visit Wisconsin in August, ever again. So, added into Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, March, Apr, that makes 7 months of the year I can't visit here...

Insert joke here about Summer in Wisconsin being great... both weekends of it...

While there, Ken gave me images of some pics he found digging around in stuff he was cleaning up.  Including this shot of My brothers and me at my wedding to Sean's Mom.  1979.


I was on the phone when I arrived at Ken's place.  Rather than cut that call short, I stopped up the road about a 1/4 mile.  While I was talking I noticed next to me was a wonderful field of second growth Alfalfa.  I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen an alfalfa field.  One of the many things I miss from being in Wisconsin.

-- Much Love


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