Road Trip to Wisconsin
In late August, I was talking on the phone with a friend in Wisconsin. As it happened, the subject of the August heat wave came up. Checking the weather, I noticed that the heat wave was scheduled to break in Wisconsin in 2 days. Whereas here in Florida, the heat predictions stretched on seemingly forever. (or at least for the 10 day forecasts)
Hmmm. I'm retired. I have no obligations here, save to pay my rent. And as it happens, I haven't seen my son Sean or brother Ken in ages. My son, in 4 yrs, my brother in 9! I think a road trip is in order!
Next up, a trip to Neenah to see my last surviving uncle, Donald.
On the way, I stopped and photographed my father's house. He designed and built it in 1975 and he and mom lived there until they both died. It used to have a front deck on the left side where the patio doors are. Apparently that rotted off and was not replaced over the years.
Next stop, a drive by at the home I mostly grew up in, from age 5 to 16.
After a visit with my uncle Don and three of his kids and their families, plus an old friend from High school, I went back to Ken's. The view off his back porch
Ken was about to head to Eau Claire for a shooting match. Here is his rig shortly after arrival.
Let the fun begin
And of course, there's a fire every night and plenty of beer to fuel the tall tales that inevitably follow.
And next morning...
Time to head home.
When I left Wednesday morning, it was 47* in Wittenberg. At 1730 when I crossed the Ohio river into Kentucky On the way home, the Outside Air temp was 95* ugh. And it seemingly never cooled off, over night.
It was a great trip. I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see. But it was still worth the trip. And, I got home just in time to feel the heat index drop from 105 to 95. Most excellent. May have to do it again, next year. Maybe if I go again next week, when I return it will only be 85 here...
-- Much Love.
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