Road Trip to Wisconsin

In late August, I was talking on the phone with a friend in Wisconsin.  As it happened, the subject of the August heat wave came up.  Checking the weather, I noticed that the heat wave was scheduled  to break in Wisconsin  in 2 days.  Whereas here in Florida, the heat predictions stretched on seemingly forever.  (or at least for the 10 day forecasts)

Hmmm.  I'm retired.  I have no obligations here, save to pay my rent.  And as it happens, I haven't seen my son Sean or brother Ken in ages.  My son, in 4 yrs, my brother in 9!  I think a road trip is in order!

 First stop, Ken's house.
Whereupon he didn't recognize me at first.  And then, Ken who doesn't hug, actually hugged me!
From there, it sort of became old home week.  Ken had recently found some old photos he shared.
With my brothers Ken and Dan on my wedding day, 9/29/79
 Karen and me, with my grandparents
So, I made a trip to Minneapolis for the weekend to see Sean and Cheryl.
With Sean and Cheryl on 8/30 after a weekend visit.
Sean had dug up some old photos, too!
 1978 at sister Nancy's confirmation
 Circa 1984 from Left to right, Son Sean, Niece Colleen, Niece Jennifer on Mom's special 70s carpet.

On arrival at Ken's house, I was on the phone.  Rather than cut the call short, I stopped 1/4 mile up the road and had this lovely view of a second growth field of Alfalfa.  Not something often seen in Florida.

Next up, a trip to Neenah to  see my last surviving uncle, Donald.

On the way, I stopped and photographed my father's house.  He designed and built it in 1975 and he and mom lived there until they both died.  It used to have a front deck on the left side where the patio doors are.  Apparently that rotted off and was not replaced over the years.

Next stop, a drive by at the home I mostly grew up in, from age 5 to 16.

After a visit with my uncle Don and three of his kids and their families, plus an old friend from High school, I went back to Ken's. The view off his back porch


Ken was about to head to Eau Claire for a shooting match.  Here is his rig shortly after arrival.



 Let the fun begin


















 And of course, there's a fire every night and plenty of beer to fuel the tall tales that inevitably follow.


And next morning...

 Time to head home.

When I left Wednesday morning, it was 47* in Wittenberg.  At 1730 when I crossed the Ohio river into Kentucky On the way home, the Outside Air temp was 95*  ugh.  And it seemingly never cooled off, over night.

It was a great trip.  I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see.  But it was still worth the trip.  And, I got home just in time to feel the heat index drop from 105 to 95.  Most excellent.  May have to do it again, next year.  Maybe if I go again next week, when I return it will only be 85 here...

-- Much Love.



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