Small Talk is for Lightweights.


As an introvert, I have always had trouble meeting people.  A conversation with my son just reminded me that when I was younger, I used to get real chatty when I met someone.  That didn't work and people just considered me an idiot.  (my interpretation)  What's the old saw, "People may think you're an idiot.  No need to open your mouth and remove all doubt?"  Something to that effect.

It's true.  Once I accepted that I didn't think the way other people do.  That it wasn't necessary for me to interact, unless I was called upon or had something of interest or import to say, I was fine keeping my mouth shut.  I finally accepted and more importantly embraced my inner introvert.  Oddly enough, that acceptance gave me permission to go even quieter than I ever expected. 

When I'm in a crowd, others may think I'm just sitting there doing nothing, but I'm constantly receiving and analyzing data.  Even if no one else is talking. (extremely rare, that someone isn't spouting something meaningless)  Mary looks uncomfortable.  Suzie is bored.  John is doing a slow burn.  Joanie is clenching.  Etc.  It's not to pass judgment.  It's to understand.  Everything is data to fill in the big picture.

In the process, I've come to know people I've barely spoken to.  So that when I do choose to speak to them, I can say something meaningful.  Something that touches them.  Or supports them.  Or encourages them.

After all, isn't that why we're here?
-- Much Love.


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