
Showing posts from August, 2020

Road Trippin'

 I've been traveling for a few days, so Haven't been writing.  First day, I drove for 13 hours.  That's not real conducive to sitting down and writing.     Day 2, I arrived at my brother Ken's house.  We hadn't seen each other since his daughter's wedding in 2011.  So mostly we just caught up.  As always, when at Ken's house, we did go shooting.  As it happened,  I just caught him before he departed for the last shoot of the season with a local gun club he's part of.  So, that was fun. Day 3, I hung around and talked with Ken as we prepped his travel trailer for departure.  At noon, he departed for a weekend trip to LaCrosse.  For of all things a shooting match.   Whereupon I left to visit my son Sean and his lovely bride, Cheryl in Minneapolis.   Day 4, Sean and Cheryl are out running.  Sean is preparing to run a marathon, so he's running 20 miles today.  Cheryl isn't running that much t...

2020 Sunsets

  Starting the last week of January, 2020, I started a Sunset Project.  We had several spectacular sunsets in a row and I determined I would capture the sunset every night until I got weary of it.  That lasted through the first week of June, when I missed a couple of nights due to being busy and just stopped. All the months of sunsets are each in  their own album at this address:   After opening an album, Click AZ to the right of the album title to sort the images by file name.  The IMGBB default sort is just bizarre. A friend submitted this image to a site that will turn your photos into a jigsaw puzzle.  Try it! As I live on my boat, it was pretty easy to walk outside, stand on the bow and capture the same shot, every night.  As the seasons passed, I determined that I needed to adjust the shot every month in order to keep the actual sunset as p...

Small Talk is for Lightweights.

      As an introvert, I have always had trouble meeting people.  A conversation with my son just reminded me that when I was younger, I used to get real chatty when I met someone.  That didn't work and people just considered me an idiot.  (my interpretation)  What's the old saw, "People may think you're an idiot.  No need to open your mouth and remove all doubt?"  Something to that effect. It's true.  Once I accepted that I didn't think the way other people do.  That it wasn't necessary for me to interact, unless I was called upon or had something of interest or import to say, I was fine keeping my mouth shut.  I finally accepted and more importantly embraced my inner introvert.  Oddly enough, that acceptance gave me permission to go even quieter than I ever expected.  When I'm in a crowd, others may think I'm just sitting there doing nothing, but I'm constantly receiving and analyzing data.  Even if no one else...

The Finest of Lives

 To desire nothing beyond what you have is surely happiness. Aboard a boat, it is frequently possible to achieve just that. That is why sailing is a way of life, one of the finest of lives. ~ Carleton Mitchell   This Carleton Mitchell quote has resonated with me for more than 20 years.  I've previously noted that I was drawn to the water from a very young age.  It wasn't until I was in college that I was drawn to sailing.  I was working on the excursion boats that ply the Duluth Harbor.  14-16 hours / day out there on a boat.  It was heaven.  I still remember some of the narration spiel we did... To the right of us now, the Duluth arena Auditorium. The main auditorium seats 8,000 people while the recently added annex seats 2,500 people for smaller, more intimate events... A Captain and two deck hands sat in a cramped steel pilot house, while every other trip the deck hands swapped out doing the spiel.  Recently, I've been on a few excursio...

Write Something Worth Reading. A tall order...

    One of the reasons I hesitated to start this blog, was that I doubted I had it in me to write something worth reading on a daily basis.  Here I am, not a week into it and I've run out of things to say.  And most of what I have said, is jokes or stories I've told dozens of times to friends at parties. So, there's that limited repertoire exhausted.  I've got 20 years of sailing photos I could tell the back stories on.  But, the reality is, aside from a few good stories, it often entailed this cycle:     "It's Wednesday, time to go shoot the races! Yay."  Drive to the ramp, launch the boat, get out on the race course Check equipment, wait for the start. Jesus it's hot. Sure hope the wind picks up God this boat is uncomfortable.   Alright, the race is on, let's shoot. 90 minutes and 500 frames later, I've got enough, let's get out of here. Put the boat away. Cull the photos, Watermark them, upload to the hosting site... takes about...