The Great Screens Procrastination errr Project...
So, my boat is 37 years old. While its lovely lines and stout engine attracted me, the resulting purchase has evolved into a series of projects necessary before I can cruise her full time. This is the story of the Great Screens Procrastination errr, Project. We had a brutal summer. Nearly 12 straight weeks of 100+ heat indexes with virtually no sea breeze. And anyone who's ever lived by the sea knows what a difference a sea breeze makes. In late June/Early July I was on the hard for nearly a month with what started out to be a simple bottom job... But, while you're at it, why don't you replace the prop shaft, too! And things deteriorated from there. The good news is, that most of that month was waiting for parts. So, my yard bill was only double what I had anticipated, not quadrupled, as it could have been. And, we got a lot done. About the only major concern at this point is possibly needing to replace the heat exchanger soon....